Setting Up New R Notebook

Steve Simpson bio photo By Steve Simpson

Today Noam Ross’ tweet about his experience with the new R Notebooks from RStudio got me excited.

Couple that with the release of JJ Allaire’s video at Open Data Science conference and I was eager to find it. In case you’re eager to trial it too, follow the steps below.


1.) Download latest RStudio daily for RStudio IDE and update:

2.) Download latest Rmarkdown package: devtools::install_github("rstudio/rmarkdown")

3.) Set your Options: Tools > Global Options > Rmarkdown > Enable R Notebook > Apply

4.) Open a new Rmarkdown file as usual

5.) Set the YAML output options from output: html_document to output: html_notebook: default

Don’t forget that with the new daily build of RStudio you can pull the Rmd file out of the RStudio IDE and edit it in a separate pane. Simply grab the document tab and pull it away, as you would tabs in your browser or Sublime.